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How to Install V2ray on windows

V2Ray is a powerful tool designed to help users bypass online censorship and access restricted websites. It’s widely used in regions where internet access is heavily regulated.

V2Ray achieves this by utilizing various techniques such as proxies, Shadowsocks, and protocols like VLESS, VMess, and Trojan. By encrypting your internet traffic and routing it through a network of servers, V2Ray makes it challenging for authorities to block specific websites or monitor your online activities.

There are several ways V2Ray can help you get around online censorship. Firstly, it allows you to visit blocked websites by redirecting your traffic through servers located in countries where those sites are accessible. Secondly, by encrypting your data, V2Ray makes it harder for authorities to track and censor your internet usage. Lastly, it can disguise your traffic to look like normal web activity, helping you bypass firewalls and other censorship tools.

V2rayN: A Windows Client for V2Ray

V2rayN is a Windows client designed for V2Ray, offering a graphical user interface (GUI) to simplify the use of this powerful tool for bypassing internet censorship. With V2rayN, users can easily access and manage their V2Ray servers, making it a convenient option for those looking to navigate restricted online environments. This software is both free and open-source.

V2rayN comes with several features that enhance the V2Ray experience. Users can quickly switch between different servers, set up custom routing rules, and monitor their connection status. Additionally, it offers automatic connection options and the ability to export and import configuration files, further streamlining the process of managing your online connections.

Features of V2rayN

– Protocol Support: V2rayN supports a variety of protocols, including V2Ray, Shadowsocks, Trojan, and VMess, providing flexibility in how you connect and interact with networks.

– Multi-Server Connectivity: You can connect to multiple servers simultaneously using V2rayN, enabling seamless management of different network environments from a single interface.

– Custom Routing Rules: V2rayN allows users to configure custom routing rules, tailoring how data is routed through networks based on specific criteria or preferences.

– Configuration File Management: Easily import and export configuration files with V2rayN, simplifying the setup and transfer of personalized network settings across devices.

– Obfuscation Techniques: Enhance security and privacy with V2rayN’s support for obfuscation methods such as HTTP/2, QUIC, and WebSocket, masking network traffic to evade censorship and surveillance.

Download V2rayN

You can download V2rayN directly from the official website. Simply follow the link below to get started:

V2rayN Download


Which Version of V2rayN Should I Download?

  • Windows x64

If you are using a 64-bit version of Windows, there are a few options to choose from:

– This package includes all the Core files. If you’re new to V2rayN, this is the one to get. It has everything you need to get started, including the main executable files and libraries.

– This version does not include the Core files. It’s suitable if you already have the Core files on your system.

– zz-v2rayN-With-Core-SelfContained.7z: This standalone package also contains all the Core files and does not require the installation of the Microsoft .NET 6.0 Desktop Runtime. It’s a good choice if you prefer a self-contained setup.

  • Windows x86

For those running a 32-bit version of Windows, the option available is:

– This package does not come with Core files and is ideal for users who have already installed them.

  • Windows arm64

For users on a 64-bit ARM version of Windows, you can download:

– This package excludes the Core files, suitable for those who already have them installed.

Choosing the Right V2rayN Version

Your choice depends on your system and whether you have the Core files already. For new users, it’s best to download a package that includes the Core files. If you already have them, go for a package without the Core files. The standalone package is convenient if you don’t want to install additional runtimes.

Once you have downloaded and installed V2rayN, open it. You should see a screen that looks similar to this:


To install V2rayN, follow these steps:

  1. Extract the downloaded zip file and run `v2rayN.exe`.
  2. Place the V2rayN client folder on your desktop or another preferred location.
  3. Do not delete this folder after installation, as it is necessary for running the V2rayN client.

To run V2rayN, you need the Microsoft .NET 6.0 Desktop Runtime. If it’s not already installed on your computer, you will be prompted to install it. Simply click the “Install” button when prompted.

If you need to manually download the Microsoft .NET 6.0 Desktop Runtime, use the following link:

Download .NET 6.0 Desktop

Changing the Language to English

If V2rayN appears in Chinese after installation, follow these steps to change it to English:

  1. Look for the icon shown in the image below and click on it.
  2. Change the language setting to English.
  3. Close the app by clicking the “X” in the top right corner.


Once you have switched the language to English, close the app by right-clicking its icon in the bottom right corner of your screen, as shown in the image below.


Next, restart the app by double-clicking on the `v2rayN.exe` file located in the folder where you extracted the zip file.

Adding a Server in V2rayN

To start using V2rayN, you need to add a server. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Obtain a V2rayN server.
  2. In the V2rayN app, navigate to the Servers section.
  3. Select the “Import bulk URL from Clipboard” option.


Once you’ve added the server, click on it to connect. Activate the server by pressing the Enter key. You’ll know the server is activated when its name changes to blue (this color change happens in the dark theme).

Next, find the V2rayN icon in the bottom right corner of your Windows taskbar. Right-click it and select “Set up system proxy” to route your internet traffic through the V2rayN server.


Manually Adding a Server

If you prefer to add a server manually in V2rayN, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Servers section and choose “Add V2Ray server.”
  2. Enter the server address, port, user ID, and any other required information. Click OK to save.
  3. After adding the server, select it and connect by pressing the Enter key.
  4. To enable internet usage through the V2rayN server, find the V2rayN icon in the bottom right of your screen and select “Set up system proxy.”


This optional method gives you full control over configuring and connecting to your preferred V2Ray server in V2rayN.

Understanding Core Components (Optional)

In software, the term “core” typically refers to the central component or backbone of a project. It encompasses the fundamental elements that the rest of the software builds upon. Different cores offer specialized functionalities tailored to specific needs.

V2ray and Its Variants

V2ray, also known as Project V, is a versatile suite of network tools used to construct customized computer networks. Compatible across various platforms, it’s favoured for bypassing network restrictions.

– V2ray Core: This original version of V2ray is robust and supports multiple protocols, making it highly adaptable.

– Xray Core: As a superset of V2ray, Xray enhances performance with additional features beyond V2ray’s capabilities.

– SagerNet Core: Designed primarily for Android, SagerNet is another variant of V2ray focused on mobile platforms.

Clash: A Rule-Based Tunnel

Clash is an open-source proxy software supporting Shadowsocks, Vmess, Snell, SOCKS5, and HTTP(S). Notably, it offers rule-based proxy functionality for precise network control.

– Clash Core: This core forms the backbone of Clash, providing essential functionalities and supporting its diverse proxy protocols.

– Clash Meta Core: An enhanced variant of Clash, Clash Meta incorporates additional features and optimizations.

Other Noteworthy Cores

– Hysteria Core: Hysteria is a comprehensive networking library designed for reliable performance in challenging network conditions.

– NaiveProxy Core: Leveraging the Chrome networking stack, NaiveProxy ensures high performance as a robust proxy server solution.

Each core serves distinct purposes, catering to various network requirements and offering specialized capabilities to enhance your software experience.


In this blog post, we delved into the significance of software cores within networking tools, highlighting their role as foundational components that dictate functionality and performance. From V2ray’s versatile suite enabling customized network solutions to Clash’s rule-based proxy management and specialized cores like Hysteria and NaiveProxy, each offers distinct advantages tailored to specific networking needs and platforms. Understanding these cores empowers users to optimize network reliability, performance, and security, adapting to evolving technological landscapes. By choosing the right core, users can effectively navigate network restrictions, ensuring a seamless and efficient online experience.

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